How to Fuel Your Workout

How to Fuel Your Workout

Ever have those days where getting to the gym takes much more effort than your actual workout? Without proper fuel before exercise, your workout is bound to feel sluggish. How you fuel before your workout is key to helping propel you to the next level. How much, when, and what kind depends on the level of activity you are pursuing.

Workouts such as yoga, walking, or gym workout that’s less than 30 minutes in duration.

If you’re planning to squeeze in a short workout—less than 30 minutes—or enjoy a relaxed yoga class, your body most needs electrolytes to maintain hydration. If you feel like an extra surge of energy, caffeine can help you push your muscles, even during a shorter workout.

Since shorter workouts don’t require extra energy or nutrients beyond your regular diet, try Vega Sport® Sugar-Free Energizer, which is sweetened with stevia and contains 100 mg caffeine from coffeeberry and green tea.

Endurance exercise, high-intensity interval training or workouts that are more than 30 minutes in duration.

For your high intensity sessions or workouts longer than 30 minutes, your body will perform best when it has fuel from easily digestible carbohydrates in addition to caffeine. A snack that is low in fat and fiber, and high in simple carbohydrates can power you through your workout.

Vega Sport®  Energizer contains 16 grams of premium carbs, paired with 100mg caffeine from coffeeberry and green tea to help keep you alert and focused. Your body uses the calories from functional sugars consumed before a workout as fuel. If you’re planning on cycling, swimming, running, playing hockey, basketball or soccer for longer than 30 minutes, use functional fuel to take it to the next level.

If your workout falls somewhere in between, tune into your body to feel how much of a push you need. If today was an exhausting day, maybe you’ll decide to turn to a source of easily digestible carbohydrates for that extra kick to help you get the most from your workout.

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