Challenge Builds Champions: Proud to Support the Challenged Athlete Foundation (CAF)

Challenge Builds Champions: Proud to Support the Challenged Athlete Foundation (CAF)


The nerves of standing at a start line, the elation of crossing the finish line, the heartbreak of a loss shared with a team member. Those feelings can’t be replicated. Involvement in sports – at any level – is a foundational part of a fulfilled and active lifestyle.

The Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF) believes in the power of physical fitness and competitive athletics to encourage independence and quality of life. They’re committed to providing opportunities to people with physical challenges. We share that belief, and we’re proud to partner with the CAF in their mission to build champions – whether success is defined as crossing the finish line or picking up a grandchild.





What is the Challenged Athletes Foundation?

IRONMAN® athlete Jim MacLaren founded the CAF in 1994. He’d lost a leg in a motorcycle accident, but never let his challenge limit his athletic goals; after his amputation, he completed another IRONMAN® in 10:42 (a time which landed him in the top 20% of all competitors).

When a tragic second accident left him a quadriplegic, Jim’s friends and family came together and held the first San Diego Triathlon Challenge to help purchase an adaptive van for Jim. That van would give him autonomy and freedom. They raised nearly $50,000 that day.

That was the start of the Challenged Athletes Foundation: an organization creating opportunities for challenged athletes to make sport and fitness a part of their daily lives, no matter the obstacles.

25 years later, the CAF has changed the lives of tens of thousands of challenged athletes around the world. They’ve also played a pivotal role in changing the perception and celebrating the achievements of athletes with physical challenges.

The Challenged Athletes Foundation believes that no challenge is too great with the right support. We’re proud to support the CAF in their mission to build champions. And with every Vega purchase, you’re supporting them too.


How does Vega help?

We believe in redefining what’s possible – together. That’s why we support organizations – and people – with big dreams and the will to achieve them. Like the CAF.

Vega is powering challenged athletes who dream of crossing the finish line of the Vega IRONMAN® World Championship in Kona, Hawai’i. We’ll support their training, provide plant-based fuel, provide Vega gear for the race, and be there every moment of the way. We’re here to help them write their story. Then, we’ll share it with you.

This year, Vega is the Title Partner and Official Recovery Nutrition of the 2019 Vega IRONMAN® World Championship. IRONMAN® was a key part of Jim MacLaren’s story, and it’s also part of ours: Brendan Brazier, Vega co-founder and original formulator, is a former professional triathlete and IRONMAN. IRONMAN® races are the pinnacle of endurance events – crossing that finish line is what triathletes’ dreams are made of. We want to help make those dreams come true.

That’s what we try to do every day at Vega, and that’s what we’re doing through our partnership with the CAF.


How can I help?

There are many ways to get involved directly; you can volunteer, donate, or fundraise. Check out this link for everything you need to know.

Check back to the Vega blog or follow us on social to stay up-to-date as the Team CAF athletes take on Kona.

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